Commutative Property of Addition / Multiplication
Commutative Property of Addition (CPA)
When two numbers are ADDED together it doesn't matter which number is first or second. The result will be the same. When you apply the commutative property of addition you change the locations of the two numbers you are adding.

10 - 7 = 3, changing the order of the numbers gives 7 - 10 which is -3 not 3.

The table below on the left shows some examples of CPA. The table on the right can be used to practice CPA problems. Press the 'Try one' button to get started.
Commutative Property of Addition
(change locations of what's added)
a + b = b + a
4 + 5 = 5 + 4
10 + 12 = 12 + 10
-6 + -5 = -5 + -6
x + y = y + x
x + 9 = 9 + x

Commutative Property of Multiplication (CPM)
When two numbers are MULTIPLIED together it doesn't matter which number is first or second. The result will be the same. When you apply the commutative property of multiplication you change the locations of the two numbers you are multiplying.

10 ÷ 5 = 2, changing the order of the numbers gives 5 ÷ 10 which is 1/2 not 2.

The table below on the left shows some examples of CPM. The table on the right can be used to practice CPM problems. Press the 'Try one' button to get started.
Commutative Property of Multiplication
(change locations of what's multiplied)
a • b = b • a
4 • 5 = 5 • 4
10 • 12 = 12 • 10
-6 • -5 = -5 • -6
x • y = y • x
x • 9 = 9 • x